The latest from RefinePro
How to Maintain Data Quality at Every Step of Your Pipeline
Martin Magdinier | 05 April 2020
Maintaining the quality of your data is paramount to any web scraping or data integration project. Think about it: there’s absolutely no point in collecting a massive amount of data if you can’t rely on it to make sound decisions! And the only way to maintain high quality is by implementing quality checks and validation at every step of your data pipeline. As the saying goes: garbage in, garbage out!
The Who, the What, and the “With What” of Web Scraping
Martin Magdinier | 12 March 2020
Data is the new differentiator. It’s what you, a product owner, a marketing strategist, your local journalist, and a multimillionaire who already owns twelve successful companies all need. And web scraping is one way to get that data.
You’re looking for a Web Scraping tool? Look for a Service Instead.
Martin Magdinier | 01 March 2020
Is web scraping easy? No. Is it Profitable? It can with a great scheduling, monitoring, and maintenance plan. Learn how!
Your Python skills are not too bad, and it’s not your first time dealing with tech. In fact, technology is part of your daily life. You see the world goes around, and you’ve heard how web scraping could help automate your business. So, you start looking for the best scrapers and web scraping tools, hoping maybe to boost your e-commerce sales.
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RefinePro's joel test
| 08 October 2019
Twenty years after its publication, the Joel test remains a reference to the software industry to assess the maturity of a development team.
RefinePro Platform
Martin Magdinier | 29 April 2019
Data Sheet for RefinePro Platform, a customizable administration center to help data science and engineering team schedule, configure and monitor data processing jobs written in any language.
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Data Migration Services
Martin Magdinier | 01 April 2019
Data Sheet regarding RefinePro Data Migration Services for consulting firms
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Using External Data
Martin Magdinier | 24 May 2018
Download our cheat sheet of what to keep in mind when using external or third party data
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Clarifications regarding RefinePro participation to the OpenRefine community.
Martin Magdinier | 13 December 2017
Read more...Following recent discussions with several OpenRefine community members, I realized that there were some confusions and misunderstanding regarding RefinePro intentions regarding the OpenRefine project.
Sunset for RefinePro’s Public OpenRefine Hosting
Martin Magdinier | 24 May 2017
Read more...Starting today, we are sunsetting RefinePro’s OpenRefine hosting. We are not accepting new registration and new subscriptions. Existing users can continue to access the service until the end of their subscription or trial phase.
Improve OpenRefine’s extensibility with data repository and processing services.
Martin Magdinier | 26 January 2016
Read more...In September 2015, we submitted the following application to the Knight News Challenge: How might we make data work for individuals and communities? We are cross posting it here for archive. You can also consult it directly on the Knight Challenge website.